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A graphic artwork of a city full of lights against a night sky.
Ready to light up the night?
Software, Database, and Systems

Midnight Citylights is the software development studio of Alex Stevovich a senior Software Engineer delivering innovative, trusted, professional solutions. Welcome, my independent software projects are used by millions worldwide, and I provide development services and consulting. You can use the menu at the top to explore more about me and my offerings or keep scrolling down for a summary.

Contact me today to discuss your project:

Email: a​l​e​x​.s​t​e​v​o​v​i​c​h​@g​m​a​i​l​.c​o​m​


An overview of the services I provide. An in-depth listing of my services can be viewed on a dedicated page:

Systems Architecture

Sturdy. reliable, high-performance software. Strong foundations and thoughtful engineering ensure systems that are efficient, scalable, and built to last.

  • Custom Tool Development & Automation
  • Strategic Consulting & System Design
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Force Multipliers

Empowering tools for businesses, developers, and creators. Work faster and make the impossible now possible.

  • Application Development
  • Web Architecture and Database
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Forward Innovation

Designing experiences, interactions, and systems that go beyond function—where technology meets creativity.

  • UI and Interactive
  • Creative & Experiential Systems
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An overview of the services I provide. An in-depth listing of my services can be viewed on a dedicated page:


That's right, Miko’s back—and she brought her BLOCKS!

A fully programmatic, minimal and elegant HTML wrier, which surpases react in terms of functionality, and doesn't tether you to a framework. It's modular,component workflow makes writing complex html simple and unlocks rapid and endless creative potential in any context: static, dynamic or client. All of my personal websites and much more are made using AMAZING Mikoblocks.

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The ultimate, multi-platform, control rig solution!

Simple easy rigging components that can be chained and authored however you want, no need to subscribe to a giant frameworks opinionated system.

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Journey Onward

Prints poorly localized one liners that an npc in a cave might say to start you on an adventure.

Print masterfully written poorly localized single lines of text, randomly selected. Developed for integration into my family of personal websites, but I'll leave it up to the viewer to find out where.

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Find Me On

Explore my public work across these platforms for updates, ask questions, and collaboration on my open-source projects.

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If you're looking for a technical partner, I want to be involved. I work with budget and project constraints, ensuring that solutions are realistic, scalable, and effective.

A portrait of Alex Stevovich
Alex Stevovich
Senior Software Engineer